| Sala 02 |
| |
Data: 23/05/2024
Horário: 14:00 17:30 Local:Sala 02 Coordenadora: Nivea Guedes (UFAM)
14:00 14:25 |
“Particulate matter monitoring and children's exposure in an urban area in the west zone of the city of Rio de Janeiro”
Graciela Arbilla (UFRJ) |
14:25 14:45 |
“Atmospheric micro(nano)plastics in a Brazilian elementary school: concentrations and cell viability using an air-lung model”
Gabriel Marcondes Ferraz (UFSCAR) |
14:45 15:05 |
“Analysis of Triclosan Sorption in Polyethylene Therephthalate Microplastics”
Giovanna Pfutzenreuter Carril (UNICAMP) |
15:05 15:20 |
“Environmentally critical element determination in Antarctic seaweed after ultrasound-assisted extraction”
Alessandra Schneider Henn (UFSM) |
15:20 15:50 |
“Lithium extraction from spodumene for CO2 capture”
Maria Clara Sewaybricker Leite (UFMG) |
15:50 16:10 |
Intervalo |
16:10 16:35 |
“Advanced composite membranes for the purification of water contaminated with potentially toxic metals”
Alexandre Tadeu Paulino (UDESC) |
16:35 16:55 |
“Microplastics in water bodies: Quantification and Characterization of MPs in surface water and sediments samples”
Natalí da Silva Schio (UFSCAR) |
16:55 17:20 |
“Evaluation of the anthropogenic contaminants in Imboassica lagoon with the analysis of geochemical biomarkers with the application of GC×GC-TOFMS”
Manoel Mendes Alves Junior (UFRJ) |
17:20 17:30 |
“Insights from Wastewater Surveillance for Drugs and Metabolites in the Brazilian Federal District by means of the Cloacina Project”
Fernando Fabriz Sodré (UNB) |
| Salão Safira |
| |
Data: 23/05/2024
Horário: 14:00 17:30 Local: Salão Safira Coordenadora: Kelly das Graças Fernandes Dantas (UFPA)
14:00 14:25 |
“Fluorescent and colorimetric probes for detecting nucleic acids (DNA and RNA): from design to analytical applications”
Josué Carinhanha Caldas Santos (UFAL) |
14:25 14:40 |
“Biodiesel como solvente verde em microextração líquido-líquído dispersiva”
Samara Soares (CENA/USP) |
14:40 14:55 |
“Development of new analytical tools for comparison and procedure assurance of cigarette brands sold in Brazil”
Lucas Soares Rodrigues (PUC-Rio) |
14:55 15:10 |
“Chemical analysis of ceramic fragments: an archaeometric study using X-ray fluorescence (XRF)”
Larissa Silva Vieira (UNIVASP) |
15:10 15:25 |
“Metabolomics approach in bovine feces for identifying biomarkers associated with extremes of feed efficiency and performance in nelore cattle”
Livia Cicilini da Silva Epifanio (IQSC/USP) |
15:25 15:50 |
“Untargeted metabolomics of cardiac tissue by multiplatform to understand the metabolic changes caused by Chagas Disease”
Gisele André Baptista Canuto (UFBA) |
15:50 16:10 |
Intervalo |
16:10 16:30 |
“Feasibility of Analytical Protocols: Solid Sampling and Disruptive Strategies”
Jussiane Souza da Silva (UFSM) |
16:30 16:45 |
“Direct Magnetic Sorbent Sampling in Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (DMSS-FAAS) for determination of cadmium and lead in food”
Thaina Alves Rocha Rosa (UNIFAL) |
16:45 17:00 |
“Evaluation of the new Simplify digester and use of dilute acid in the preparation of animal food samples for elemental determinations by ICP-OES”
Rayane Cristina Vieira Costa (UNESP) |
17:00 17:15 |
“Volatilome study of the Jabuticaba pells (Plinia cauliflora) using a hydrophilic microporous cartridge with direct immersion solid-phase microextraction and GCxGC/Q-TOFMS”
Jhonatan Bispo de Oliveira (UFMG) |
17:15 17:30 |
“Assessment of metabolic differences between humans and bovines via HS/GC-MS analysis of volatile organic compounds in cerumen”
Rhyan César Santos Dias (UFG) |
| Sala 05 |
| |
Data: 23/05/2024
Horário: 14:00 17:30 Local: Sala 05 Coordenadoras: Ana Paula Paim e Wanessa Melchert
14:00 14:25 |
“Does SEIRA have a role in Food Control?”
Claudete Fernandes Pereira (UFPE) |
14:25 14:40 |
“Feasibility of real-time monitoring of bacterial growth in raw milk using a new contactless electrical sensor based on resonance frequency”
Vanessa Nascimento (UFSM) |
14:40 14:55 |
“Assessment of risk to human health resulting from cadmium and lead in chicken liver samples sold in Salvador, Bahia”
Joselânio de Jesus Coutinho (UFBA) |
14:55 15:10 |
“Incorporation of Humulus lupulus L. byproducts into food evaluated by Box-Behnken planning”
Rita de Cassia Malho Alves (CENA/USP) |
15:10 15:25 |
“Contents of bitter acids, xanthohumol and trace elements in Humulus lupulus L: Potential fingerprint for regional traceability”
Francisco Luan Fonsêca da Silva (UECE) |
15:25 15:50 |
“Extração de Constituintes Inorgânicos em Matrizes Alimentícias e Determinações por Técnicas de Plasma: Inovações Envolvendo os Solventes Eutéticos Profundos”
Clarice Dias Britto do Amaral (UFPR) |
15:50 16:10 |
Intervalo |
16:10 16:35 |
“Narizes optoeletrônicos: uma ferramenta poderosa para controle de qualidade de alimentos e bebidas”
João Flávio da Silveira Petruci (UFU) |
16:35 16:50 |
“Determination of minerals by MIP OES and evaluation of the phenolic and antioxidant profile of cocoa honey from different varieties of cocoa (Theobroma Cacao L.) produced in the state of Bahia”
Manuela Barreto do Nascimento (UFBA) |
16:50 17:05 |
“Green and fast analytical method for iron determination in olive oil in a single flask using RP-DLLME and digital image”
Murilo Oliveira Beato (UTFPR) |
17:05 17:20 |
“A green method for microwave-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from berries”
Luís Claudio Martins (CENA/USP) |
| Sala 03 |
| |
Data: 23/05/2024
Horário: 14:00 17:30 Local: Sala 03 Coordenadoras: Carolina G. S. Lima (UFF) e Katia B. Gusmão (UFRGS)
14:00 14:25 |
“Glycerol conversion by employing nano-zeolite catalyst produced by bead milling”
Adonay R. Loiola (UFRN) |
14:25 14:40 |
“Synthesis of Supported Photocatalysts on Lucina pectinata Shell Powder for applying in Solar Hydrogen Generation”
Adnaildo M. Mota (UFBA) |
14:40 14:55 |
“Study of the catalytic activity of ceria nanorods for the hydrogenation of a,ß- unsaturated compounds under flow and batch conditions”
Gustavo D. L. de Andrade (UNICAMP) |
14:55 15:10 |
“Photocatalytic metal-free synthesis of Quinolines from nitrobenzene and short-chain alcohols”
Guilherme F. S. R. Rocha (UFSCar) |
15:10 15:25 |
“Graphene-based nanocatalyst for the sequential two-step reaction of total neutralization of organophosphates and nitrophenol byproducts”
Gabriel C. B. Gomes (UFPR) |
15:25 15:50 |
“Caracterização avançada de catalisadores compostos de espécies metálicas encapsuladas em carbono por espectroscopia de absorção de raios X (XAS)”
Christian Witte Lopes (UFPR) |
15:50 16:10 |
Intervalo |
16:10 16:30 |
“Chemical fixation of CO2 catalyzed by an aluminophosphate containing ionic liquid”
Francine Bertella (UFRGS) |
16:30 16:45 |
“Study of BAS/LAS activities on H-[Al]-RUB-18 by cascade reactions from dihydroxyacetone to lactic acid”
Paulla B. F. Sousa (UNICAMP) |
16:45 17:00 |
“Explorando silanóis na superfície dos mesoporos de zeólitas NaX hierárquicas: síntese de catalisadores anfifílicos para reações de condensação”
Gabriela Fontolan (UNESP, S. J. Rio Preto) |
17:00 17:15 |
“Mechanistic and surface studies of CO2 hydrogenation on CoCu/MgAl2O4 catalysts”
Larissa E. R. Ferreira (UNICAMP) |
17:15 17:30 |
“Catalytic activity of benzimidazolium halides ionic liquids in the cycloaddition of CO2 to epoxides”
Pedro H. G. P. A. Oliverio (UFG) |
| Sala 06 |
| |
Data: 23/05/2024
Horário: 14:00 17:30 Local: Sala 06 Coordenador: Bruno Silva Leite
14:00 14:25 |
“Attributes of games for learning and their
relationship with Roger Caillois' taxonomy of games: an analysis
of pedagogical games published in scientific journals”
Márlon Herbert F. B. Soares (UFG) |
14:30 14:40 |
“As abordagens utilizadas por professores/as da área de ciências
da natureza após os resultados das avaliações em uma escola
pública em Minas Gerais”
Juliana Maria Sampaio
Furlani (UNIFEI) |
14:45 14:55 |
“Rede de apoio ao ensino de química e ciências na educação
básica brasileira”
Janaina de Paula e Silva (UFMG) |
15:00 15:10 |
“A implementação da lei 10.639/03 no ensino de química
esperançando superar os estigmas étnico-raciais em sala de aula”
Marilene Barcelos Moreira (UFG) |
15:10 15:20 |
“A construção de um produto educacional: SOS Ensino de
Química para alunos com deficiência visual”
Cristina de Lima Guimarães (PROFQUI - UFRJ) |
15:20 15:30 |
“Oficina temática "Energia e Sustentabilidade" para alunos do
ensino médio: possibilidade de aprendizagem de conhecimentos
químicos ”
Luciane Hiromi Akahoshi (USP) |
15:35 15:45 |
“Xciência.org: uma plataforma de compartilhamento de recursos
educacionais para professores de Química” Alfredo
Mateus (UFMG) |
15:50 16:10 |
Intervalo |
16:10 16:40 |
“Environmental Education in Chemistry Teacher
Training: resonances of a collaborative collage activity ”
Nyuara Araújo da Silva Mesquita (UFG) |
16:40 16:50 |
“Cultivo do melão Gaúcho: desenvolvimento de uma Unidade
Temática fundamentada na abordagem CTS para o ensino de
Maurícius Selvero Pazinato (PROFQUI
- UFRGS) |
16:55 17:05 |
“O Jogo de Realidade Alternada Curto (ShortARG) na Temática de
Café: Um Relato de Experiência na Educação Básica”
Jonatan Pinto Cavalcante (UFRJ) |
17:10 17:20 |
“Chemistry teaching and review study: RASBQ abstracts review”
Ana Caroline Ferreira Garcia (UNIFAL) |
| Sala 08 |
| |
Data: 23/05/2024
Horário: 14:00 17:30 Local: Sala 08 Coordenadora: Christiane de Arruda Rodrigues
14:00 14:25 |
“In-Situ X-ray Diffraction Reveals New Tungsten Bronzes via Electrochemical Intercalation”
Bertold Rasche (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Stuttgart) |
14:25 14:40 |
“Zeolitic Imidazole Framework-Based Materials by Mechanochemical Synthesis Applied as Positive Electrodes in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries”
Heloise M. Sintaku (IC), Breno L. Souza(PG), Paulo F. M. Oliveira (PQ), Roberto M. Torresi (PQ) - (IQ-USP/SP) |
14:40 14:55 |
“Development of miniaturized electrochemical sensors for carbendazim detection in drinking water”
Lauanne Rocha Silva (IC), Pedro Victor Valadares Romanholo (PG), Lívia Flório Sgobbi (PQ) - (UFG) |
14:55 15:10 |
“Electro-refinery technology with effluents of biomass processing”
Herbet L. Oliveira (PG), Karen G. D. Magalhães (PG), Amanda D. Gondim (PQ), Carlos A. Martínez-Huitle (PQ), Suely S. L. Castro (PQ), Elisama V. Santos (PQ) - (UFRN) |
15:10 15:25 |
“Flexible and sustainable plant-wearable sensors for on-site and fast decentralized pesticide detection toward precision agriculture and food safety”
Rafaella T. Paschoalin (PQ), Nathalia O. Gomes, Gabriela F. Almeida (PG), Stanley Bilatto (PQ), Cristiane S. Farinas (PQ), Sergio A.S. Machado (PQ), Luiz H.C. Mattoso (PQ), Osvaldo N. Oliveira Jr. (PQ), Paulo A. Raymundo-Pereira (PQ) - (USP-SC e EMBRAPA) |
15:25 15:50 |
“Validation of Electroanalytical Methods: New Approaches and Trends”
Andressa Galli (Unicentro PR) |
15:50 16:10 |
Intervalo |
16:10 16:30 |
“Sustainable Energy Generation from Effluent Treatment Using the Photoelectrocatalysis Technique”
Juliana Ferreira de Brito (UNESP SP) |
16:30 16:45 |
“Effect of different morphologies of nickel-magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles towards urea electro-oxidation reaction via MagnetoElectroCatalysis”
Eduardo M. Rodrigues (PG), Caio M. Fernandes (PG), Evelyn C. S. Santos (PQ), Flávio Garcia (PQ), Yutao Xing (PQ), Odivaldo C. Alves (PQ), Júlio César M. da Silva (PQ) - (UFF-RJ) |
16:45 17:00 |
“Development of a portable and autonomous potentiostat for field analytical applications”
Rafael Silva Santos (IC), Gabriel Negrão Meloni (PQ), Thiago Regis Longo Cesar da Paixão (PQ) - (IQ-USP/SP) |
17:00 17:15 |
“Estudo da Influência Heterojunção Metal-Suporte na Eletroquímica Intensificada por Plasmônica”
Victor G. Pereira (IC), Paulo F. M. Oliveira (PQ), André H. B. Dourado (PQ) - (UNESP-Araraquara/SP) |
17:15 17:30 |
“Development of an electrochemical Screen-Printed sensor using a new Carbon Black Super P® Water-Based Ink for Tryptophan Detection”
Jéssica R. Camargo (PG), Elena Bernalte (PQ), Robert D. Crapnell (PQ), Craig E. Banks (PQ), Bruno C. Janegitz(PQ) - (UFSCar- Araras/SP) |
| Sala 04 |
| |
Data: 23/05/2024
Horário: 14:00 17:30 Local: Sala 04 Coordenadores: Giovanni Finoto Caramori
14:00 14:25 |
“Stereoelectronic Effects in Organofluorine Compounds”
Rodrigo Cormanich (UNICAMP) |
14:25 14:40 |
“Halogen bonding in pharmaceutical compounds: a case study”
Camila Batista Pinto (USP) |
14:40 14:55 |
“Thermodynamic of Lysozyme-Gold Nanoparticules”
Leonardo Saulo Pereira Alves (UFV) |
14:55 15:10 |
“Preparation and characterization of O/W nanoemulsion based on MCFA stabilized by Pluronic copolymers F127 and F68”
Vinícius Candido Lemes (UFG) |
15:10 15:25 |
“Excited-State Bond Angle Inversion: (F)BOB(F)-Porphyrins as Potential Molecular Photoswitches”
Karine Nascimento de Andrade (UFF) |
15:25 15:50 |
“Computational modeling of glyphosate detection on proline-containing lipopeptide micelles: MD and DFT modeling of weak acids”
Mauricio Domingues Coutinho-Neto (UFABC) |
15:50 16:10 |
Intervalo |
16:10 16:30 |
“Kinetic stability of nanoparticles dispersions in ionic liquids with domain segregation a molecular dynamics simulation study”
Kalil Bernardino |
16:30 16:45 |
“Towards a Simple and Cost-Effective Glyphosate Detection Based on a Selective Colorimetric Reaction”
Amanda Cristina Scheuer (UFPR) |
16:45 17:00 |
“In silico insight into polymer affinity for biodegradation by Cutinase from Fusarium oxysporum”
Maycon Vinicius Damasceno de Oliveira |
17:00 17:15 |
“Surface modification of cotton fabric for adsorption of essential oils”
Afifeh Rafat Fadel Khader |
17:15 17:30 |
“Predicting pressure-dependent rate constants for the furan + OH reactions and their impact in the tropospheric conditions”
Tiago Vinicius Alves |
| Salão Rubi |
| |
Data: 23/05/2024
Horário: 14:00 17:30 Local: Salão Rubi Coordenadores: Bernardo Iglesias e Profa. Marciela Scarpellini
14:00 14:25 |
“From designing metallodrugs to unveiling protein functions as a bioinorganic challenge”
Eduardo Henrique de Sousa (UFC) |
14:25 14:40 |
“Synthesis, Characterization and Biological Studies on new Palladium(II) compounds containing orthometallated Methyl Ester of L-Phenylalanine”
Wladimir Pereira Duarte Badaró (UNESP-Ar) |
14:40 14:55 |
“Immobilization of isomeric, water-soluble Mn(III) N-alkylpyridylporphyrins onto chloropropyl-functionalized silica gel (Sil-Cl)”
Welida Tamires da Silva (UFPB) |
14:55 15:10 |
“Synthesis of a mimetic of the enzyme polysaccharide lytic monooxygenase (LPMO) to catalyse the polysaccharide hydrolysis reaction”
Larissa Moreno (UFSCAR) |
15:10 15:25 |
“Theoretical and spectroscopic study of an europium(III) complex containing the zwitterionic form of 4-picolinic acid as antenna ligand”
Ana Carolina Cellis do Nascimento (UFF) |
15:25 15:50 |
“Silver(I) complexes with N-donor ligands: promising 'silver bullet' against tuberculosis”
Alexandre Cuin (UFJF) |
15:50 16:10 |
Intervalo |
16:10 16:30 |
“Nature inspired catalysis of copper complexes”
Caterina Gruenwaldt Cunha Marques Netto (UFSCAR) |
16:30 16:45 |
“Bis(pyrazol)-pyridine metal complexes as catalysts for the CO2 cycloaddition with epoxides”
Marcel Machado Amorim (UFG) |
16:45 17:00 |
“Development of adsorbent materials for adsorption of metal ions using Inga edulis biomass”
Lucas dos Santos Lima (UFS) |
17:00 17:15 |
“Structure determination and In vivo anti-melanoma evaluation of cinnamic acid fluorine Ru(II) complex”
Caio César Cândido (UNIFAL) |
17:15 17:30 |
“[68Ga]Gallium radiolabeled ultrasmall paramagnetic nanoparticles as multimodal diagnostic imaging contrast”
Thomas Victorio Balzarini (USP) |
| Salão Agata |
| |
Data: 23/05/2024
Horário: 14:00 17:30 Local: Salão Ágata Coordenador:
14:00 14:25 |
“Synthesis and Preparation of materials through unconventional techniques”
Walter Mendes de Azevedo (UFPE) |
14:25 14:40 |
“Effect of synthesis parameters on the plasmonic properties of gold and platinum-based bimetallic nanoparticles (Au@PtNPs)”
Franccesca Fornasier ( PUC-RJ) |
14:40 14:55 |
“Fotossensibilizadores azínicos do tipo D-p-A para fotoclivagem da água: síntese e estudos teóricos preliminares”
Alan Imperatori Ribeiro (UFF) |
14:55 15:10 |
“Influence of Bi2MoO6 Synthesis Method on ZSM-5 Photocatalytic Properties”
Letícia Silva Novais (UFBA) |
15:10 15:25 |
“Nanoarchitecting 2D materials by demand: 1T-MoS2 interfacial functionalization with micro-organic pollutants”
Ariane Schmidt dos Santos (UFPR) |
15:25 15:50 |
“Combining Transition Metal Oxides and Chalcogenides to improve the energy storage”
Sergio Humberto Domingues (USP) |
15:50 16:10 |
Intervalo |
16:10 16:35 |
“Synthesis of submicron inorganic particles based on lanthanides ions for random laser applications”
José Maurício Almeida Caiut (FFCLRP/USP) |
16:35 16:50 |
“Obtaining the stoichiometric composition of the crystalline phases in the devitrification process in porous germanophosphate glass ceramics”
Caio Carvalho de Lima (UNICAMP) |
16:50 17:05 |
“Development of Hybrid Microfibers Based on Graphene Derivatives and Carbon Nanotubes”
Marcos Rocha Diniz da Silva (UPM) |
17:05 17:20 |
“Synthesis and characterization of cobalt hexacyanoferrate/carbon nanotubes/folic acid nanocomposites for breast cancer therapy”
Hellen Cristina Novais de Oliveira (UFU) |
17:20 17:35 |
“Oil-based polyurethane nanocomposites for application as a coating in the slow and controlled release of urea”
Ricardo Bortoletto-Santos (UNAERP) |
| Sala 07 |
| |
Data: 23/05/2024
Horário: 14:00 17:30 Local: Sala 07 Coordenadora: Lilian Sibelle Campos Bernardes (UFSC)
13:30 14:00 |
Homenagem aos Professores Eliezer Barreiro e Carlos Alberto Manssour Fraga |
14:00 14:30 |
Título a ser definido
Marco Edilson Freire Lima (UFRRJ) |
14:30 14:50 |
“Protein kinase AP2 (AAK1): Expression, purification and activity assay ”
Horência Almeida da Silva Monteiro (UFRJ) |
14:50 15:10 |
“Synthesis of Unnatural amino acids as key fragments for SARS-COV-2 3CL Mpro main protease inhibitors”
Vinícius Gimenes Roqueto (IQSC -USP) |
15:10 15:30 |
“AI-Powered Drug Discovery: Unveiling 3CLpro Inhibitors via Structure- and Ligand-based virtual screening”
Sabrina Silva Mendonça (UFG) |
15:30 16:00 |
Título a ser definido
Renata de Oliveira Barbosa (UFMG) |
16:00 16:10 |
Intervalo |
16:10 16:40 |
Título a ser definido
Franco Henrique Leite (UEFS) |
16:40 17:00 |
“Synthesis of dihidroquinolinone derivatives and evaluation of their potential against T. Cruzi intracellular amastigotes in vitro and in silico”
William Cezar de Lima Silva (UFES) |
17:00 17:20 |
“Coumarin-benzothiazole hybrids as dual inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase andbutyrylcholinesterase for the treatment of Alzheimer's Disease”
Raissa da Gama Gouvea- UFF |
17:20 17:40 |
“Assessment of 1,2,3-Triazole-Selenide Hybrids as Potential Trypanothione Reductase Inhibitors: Implications for Trypanocidal Activity”
João Victor da Silva e Silva |
| Sala 01 |
| |
Data: 23/05/2024
Horário: 14:00 17:30 Local: Sala 01 Coordenadora: Fernanda Andreia Rosa
14:00 14:25 |
“Síntese de N-heterociclos de cinco membros empregando métodos mais verdes”
Arlene Gonçalves Corrêa (UFSCar) |
14:25 14:40 |
“Epoxide opening catalyzed by Europium Fumarate via mechanochemistry”
José Robson da Silva Filho (UFPE) |
14:40 14:55 |
“Recent advances in the synthesis and functionalization of 4-aminopyrrolo[2,1-f][1,2,4]triazine”
Geovana Fontes Vargas (UFJF) |
14:55 15:10 |
“PZQ resistance studies using efflux pumps: synthesis of new probe molecules”
Camilla Thomaz da Silva Oliveira (UFRJ) |
15:10 15:25 |
“Estudo Metodológico para a Obtenção de Sulfetos Simétricos e Dissimétricos a partir de Sais De Bunte”
Vitor Emanuel Simette Zerger (UDESC) |
15:25 15:50 |
“O Papel do Planejamento Experimental na Otimização de Reações Químicas ”
Marcio Santos da Silva (UFPel) |
15:50 16:10 |
Intervalo |
16:10 16:35 |
“Unraveling Reaction Mechanisms: Identifying Isomeric Intermediates with IRMPD Spectroscopy and IMS Techniques ”
Thiago Carita Correra (USP) |
16:35 16:50 |
“Synthesis and application of quinoline derivatives as photoiniciators in photopolymerization reactions”
Emily Bassani de Barros (Unesp) |
16:50 17:05 |
“Preparation of isatin, indirubin and tryptanthrin hydrazones, oximes and functionalization with carbohydrate”
Ana Flávia dos Santos Fuzaro (UFJF) |
17:05 17:20 |
“Guardians of Authenticity: Unveiling Counterfeit Spirits through Bottle Cap Analysis using Time-Domain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance”
Jéssica Thais de Lima (UFPR) |
17:20 17:35 |
“Exploring the formation of new C-C bonds through the reaction of sulfur ylides with epoxides”
Aislan Leme da Silva (USP-São Carlos) |
| Salão Topázio |
| |
Data: 23/05/2024
Horário: 14:00 17:30 Local: Salão Topázio Coordenadoras:14:00 - 16:10: Patrícia Barbosa (UFPA) e Lucilia Kato (UFG) 16:10 - 17:30: Telma Lemos (UFC) e Silvana M. de Oliveira (UEM)
14:00 14:25 |
“Brazoides E and F, Two New Alkaloids, and other compounds from Justicia wasshauseniana Profice (JW), Acanthaceae”
Mário Geraldo (UFFRJ) |
14:25 14:40 |
“Mapping resveratrol in peanut (Arachis hypogea L.) agricultural waste”
Mirella Thaisa Ferreira Ranzeti (UNESP) |
14:40 14:55 |
“Quinones isolated from the root extract of Pleonotoma jasminifolia (Bignoniaceae)”
Leandro Tavares Anselmo (UFAM) |
14:55 15:10 |
“'Metabolomic analysis by PLS-DA of the genus Banisteriopsis e Stigmaphyllon (Malpighiaceae)”
Jaqueline Munise Guimarães da Silva (UEL) |
15:10 15:25 |
“A novel dimeric sesquiterpene and other compounds of Guatteria olivácea”
Yuri Mangueira do Nascimento (UFPB) |
15:25 15:50 |
“Metabolomics and chemometrics to discover metabolites from Brazilian flora with neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory properties”
Daniela Aparecida Chagas de Paula (UNIFAL) |
15:50 16:10 |
Intervalo |
16:10 16:30 |
“Simplex centroid mixture design and chemometric analysis-guided isolation of new compound from a native Amazonian species”
Ingrity Suelen Costa Sá (UFAM) |
16:30 16:45 |
“Extraction, isolation and characterization of mycosporine-like amino acids from Naganishia friedmanni with potential use in sunscreens”
Renan Santini Barbosa (UNIFESP) |
16:45 17:00 |
“Anti-plasmodial brominated metabolites from the marine sponge Aplysina alcicornis”
Cauê Arantes Wagner Zuccarino (USP São Carlos) |
17:00 17:15 |
“Using tandem mass spectrometry for chemical profile of flowers of Qualea grandiflora”
Isadora Gonzaga da Silva (UFCAT) |
17:15 17:30 |
“Volatile organic compounds from Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides Lepeletier, 1836 (Apidae, Meliponini) sacrificed in hygienic behavior test”
Paulo Roberto Ribeiro Mesquita (Centro Tecnológico Agropecuário do Estado da Bahia - CETAB) |