On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to announce that the
XXI Brazilian Meeting on Inorganic Chemistry (BMIC),
the X Brazilian Meeting on Rare Earths (BMRE),
and the III Workshop on Theoretical Bioinorganic Chemistry (WTBC)
will be held in Belo Horizonte – MG, the Capital of Minas Gerais State,
known as the world capital of the bars.
The congress will occur at the Federal University of Minas Gerais, at CAD1 Facility.
The Brazilian Meeting on Inorganic Chemistry (BMIC) is a bi-annual scientific conference, one of the most important events in the Brazilian Chemical Society. Its attendance has grown steadily, including chemists and related researchers from all continents.
Since 2006, the BMIC has been held in parallel with the Brazilian Meeting on Rare Earths (BMRE), gathering researchers and students from the areas of inorganic chemistry, materials chemistry, rare earths chemistry, and physics.
More information: https://bmic2024.qui.ufmg.br/